We’re looking to improve on FCPX - Filming & Mac workflow & Squarespace

Bit of a guru on any of the above and want to learn more about fixing & maintaining your bike? Interested in a skills swap? Here’s what we’re looking for.

  • So we all know its a beast of a program, as much as i’m loving ‘tinkering’ my way through the options - getting to grips with it quickly is now the priority. Can you help?

  • Got the eye for detail, just know where to place the camera to speed our filming process - Just where to put the reflector or light - We need you!

  • So we’ve got a MacBook for our editing and store running needs - only thing is - we’ve never been shown to really get in there and get the most from it. That’s where you come in.

  • Lets face it, the site is basic and we really struggle to find time to dive deeper and make it better. Got something to bring to the table and help out your local store - get in touch.

  • Not looking to go crazy here, but the ability to polish off the video’s a little and add text/details/logo’s as required will really help.